Flow of Liquor across Time in Bhutan

Culture and Consumption of Liquor


  • Jigme Wangchuk
  • Karma Dechen
  • Richard Kamei


In this article, we focus on the consumption of alcohol, known as ara in Bhutan, and
how this is embedded in the everyday lives of Bhutanese. Ara plays a significant
role in the Bhutanese way of life, from the past to the present. This article attempts
to locate the significance of ara in a context in when industrially manufactured
alcohol abounds. Further, the article pays close attention to the presence of ara in
social gatherings, cultural practices and rituals for various purposes. This is done by
drawing on fieldwork accounts and making a case about the significance of ara in
the present. We aim to shed light on how ara has been intricately woven into the
fabric of everyday life for the Bhutanese people throughout history


