Rig Tshoel - Research Journal of the Royal Thimphu College: Announcements 2023-04-01T20:56:03+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Rig Tshoel – Research Journal of the Royal Thimphu College is an open-access peer-reviewed journal intended to align with a key mission of Royal Thimphu College “to be a crucible of new ideas and knowledge that serves to enrich people’s lives and enhance the welfare of society”. The journal aims to issue at least once a year and invites contributions on a wide range of subjects. Authors are encouraged to develop their own scholarship in areas of general relevance to Bhutan, submit work that advances knowledge in their fields, and is written in a broadly accessible manner. High-quality original articles in<br />English and Dzongkha including theoretical and empirical research, commentaries, editorials, and reviews are welcome. The views expressed herein are those of the authors themselves and not necessarily those<br />of the Royal Thimphu College. Articles published herein may be used and distributed freely provided that the works are properly cited. Digital copies are available at</p>